
The mission of this website is to help folks bring more nature into their lives. This can be as simple as beginning to identify what’s fluttering past you as you rock on your porch or as challenging as converting your lawn to rewilded natural habitat. Regardless of effort, discovering the flora and fauna of the South will bring you joy.

Author Photo

After decades working as a wildlife biologist in various locations around the US, I’ve happily returned home to the heat and the bugs and the birds of the South. 

To fulfill my need to spend time outdoors with wild things, I’ve transformed our outdoor space to encourage critters to live here by providing native forage and habitat. This transformation has been a labor of love requiring quite a bit of research and experimentation. 

So, I’m compiling what I’ve learned here hoping it will make it easier for others to change their landscapes for the better too.



* All photos on this site were taken by me unless otherwise noted. Please provide content and photo credits to thesouthernwildgarden.com. 

* The Southern Wild Garden is supported by readers like you! Some links found on this website may be affiliate links, which means I may get a small commission, at no additional cost to you, if you buy a product through one of my links. I only recommend products that I use and love.