
Gulf fritillary on cut-leaf coneflower

Spotting Silver: How to Attract Gulf Fritillary Butterflies

In this article, you will learn about gulf fritillary ecology and which native plants to grow to bring this butterfly to your garden. Why gulf fritillaries? In the southeast, gulf fritillary butterflies are the “other” migratory orange butterfly. While smaller than monarch butterflies, gulf fritillaries are arguably showier, with gorgeous silver spots decorating the underside […]

Spotting Silver: How to Attract Gulf Fritillary Butterflies Read More »

Obediently Bringing in the Butterflies: How to Grow Obedient Plant

In this post, you will learn how and why to grow the butterfly magnet, obedient plant (Phytostegia virginiana) in your garden. Why obedient plant? While many native and ornamental plants are described as pollinator friendly, obedient plant is pollinator adored. Obedient plant’s pale purple flowers will be loved by your large bees and your little

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